My name is Elliot Tong, and I am representing the Green Party in North West Cambridgeshire at the next general election.

It’s obvious to everybody that the old political parties have run out of ideas. Our country is suffering after a decade of austerity under the Conservatives, yet Labour has no clear vision for how to improve things, picking up and dropping pledges whenever it suits them. Both parties know what the public wants, but they aren’t brave enough to make the bold decisions that the UK needs to thrive.

If I were elected, I would have three main priorities; bringing the water companies back into public ownership to clean up our lakes and rivers, fighting to improve our public transport system so that we can travel around North West Cambridgeshire more sustainably, and getting our workers fair pay.

If we want to see our country improve, we can’t keep voting for the same old parties – the Green Party offers real change and real hope for a better tomorrow.

Email Elliot Tong.